Monday, 4 January 2010

Does anything really change?

Well the festivities are now starting to be a fading memory and life starts to settle back to normal. A friend of mine told me in an email over the weekend that he was looking forward to "getting back into a routine". "Thats interesting" says I, "last week you were telling me about the new years resolutions you going to make and this week is back to the old routine". For a considerable number of us making resolutions rarely last beyond the end of the first week of January and for this very reason I stopped making changes to my life in January some years back apart from paying so scant attention to lowering the calorie count, once the new year arrived.

For most small businesses change has to be a way of life, not a time of year thing, or a nice to have thing, but a real thing, reacting to the market and your key customers is part and parcel of running a successful small business. I sometimes think that providing he most to your customers is anticipating the next big thing, like the killer pass that opens up the defence in sport or foreseeing a need before the customer does. Just imagine a business anticipating the current salt shortage and how they might have been able to have placed their customers at an advantage.

It not all about financial advantage, running a successful small business is all about delivering value to clients and customers, being there when you customers arrive at the point when they need you the most is going to deliver real value to your client. 2010 has had an unprecedented start lets hope its energies now focus on an unprecedented recovery.

Have a great week!

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