Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Making a contribution!

“The circumstances of your life have uniquely qualified you to make a contribution. And if you don't make that contribution, nobody else can make it”. --Rabbi Harold S. Kushner

I saw this quote recently and it made me think about the much-vexed subject of “contribution” for a lot of folk its something we do into a charity tin, but is that really making a contribution or making a small gesture? In modern business “the need for speed” and “making a contribution” are the very perceived cornerstones of operational efficiency where contribution is measured as achieving the “end game”. But real contribution is so much more.

Its long been said that our lives are made up of series of experiences of all sorts and that they contribute to the people we become or strive to become. Few of us pause long enough to conduct the “joined up thinking” and to connect the circumstances and experiences to see the pattern that is being woven into our lives or career. Sometimes, to take a minute, an hour or a weekend, to think about where we have come from and more importantly where we are going might just help us all realize that small and seemingly insignificant experiences, choices and challenges have perfectly positioned us for the opportunities today and tomorrow. The issue is that most of the time we only notice it is when the event is one of significance.

My own experience of life in larger businesses manifested itself as a struggle to really fulfill my own potential and ultimately the decision to move away from a well paid, but career limiting job led initially to a world of risk and uncertainly but also a real world full of chance and opportunity. I now meet more fascinating, engaging and passionate people in one week then I had met in the last five years of my employed career. I have also discovered that the journey I’m now on continues to provide new learning and insights that are so much more rewarding. Networking with like-minded souls has the ultimate reward of opportunity of partnerships, collaborations and shared experience and most importantly shared experiences.

Larger Businesses and the business world in general tend to be solely focused on the end result, where nothing really counts until you arrive at the finish line, ably serving the purposes of the shareholder but somehow ignoring the other stakeholders in the process. So what’s the antidote?

✰ Think about how you can contribute to others success, a helping hand, some well placed advice at the right time or simply be there to listen
✰ With customers focus on value delivery that makes a return many times more than the cost of your product or service
✰ Be a student as well as a teacher, share what you know and surely other will share with you
✰ Put time aside to think about the progress you’ve made and what you still need to know and most importantly how you can coach and teach others
✰ Work to help others without reward, refer a network contact, or give some free time to a good cause
✰ Believe you can be the best you can be!

Making a contribution happens when you realise that all of your circumstances and all of your experiences are what enable you to make a difference and contribute to people, businesses or causes. It is dependant on you realising the value of your journey and all you learn from it. Oh and your willingness to share what you have learned with others.

To your success in whatever you do!

Simply Consulting provides business development expertise to Small and Medium sized businesses, see our website at www.simply-consultancy.co.uk for details of our services and to arrange a free no obligation business development assessment.

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